Past EBE Hall of Fame and Entrepreneur of the Year HONOREEs

2023       Andrea Kramer                                           City Apparel + Merch

Dr. Michael Rees                                  Alliance for Paired Kidney Donation

Steve Sass                             Nysus Solutions

Kevin Wickenheiser                         Nysus Solutions

Craig Findley                                      Venture Visionary Partners

Mark Thees, Posthumous The Pinnacle and Central Park West

2022       Jennifer Kearns                                            Battery Wholesale

Laurie Gross                                     Gross Electric

Sydney Spraw                            Designetics

Trevor Deeter                              Deet’s BBQ

James Lindsay                                      Louisville Title

2021       Joe Pettee                                                    AccessRN

Dennis Dickey                                     Willy’s Fresh Salsa

Karen Langenderfer                             The Countertop Shop

Mike Langenderfer                              The Countertop Shop

Dean Monske                                      The Regional Growth Partnership

2020     Tim Croak                                                    Croak Asset Management

               Eric Croak                                      Croak Asset Management

Mike Bostdorff                                             J&R Restoration

               Marsha Smith Marsha’s Homemade Buckeyes

               Brad Smith                                        Marsha’s Homemade Buckeyes

               Matt Smith Marsha’s Homemade Buckeyes

John Buckey                                              Temperance Distilling Company

               Susan Palmer Toledo Museum of Art

               Thomas Palmer                                        Marshall Melhorn

2019       Adam Reny                                                   The First Tee of Lake Erie

               David Pilmore                                     Adrian Steel

Keith Campbell                                             Campbell, Inc.

               Kris Campbell Campbell, Inc.

               Walt Churchill                                        Walt Churchill’s Market

               Paul Toth                                        Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority

2018       Aly Sterling                                                    Aly Sterling Philanthropy

               Chuck Gotberg                                              American Manufacturing

               Brian Gotberg                                                American Manufacturing

               Todd Hendricks, Sr.                                      Pioneer Industrial Systems

               Todd Hendricks, Jr.                                       Pioneer Industrial Systems

               Tim Pontius                                        1 Natural Way/Sposie, LLC/BrandKenekt

               Ryan Wright                                       1 Natural Way/Sposie, LLC/BrandKenekt

J. Scott Stewart                                              Hylant Group, Inc.  

2017 Bob Petrie                                                      Grace Imaging

               Chuck Bills                                                    Ohio Logistics Warehousing & Transportation

               Alan Leininger                                                The Ohio & Michigan Paper Co.

               Kevin Leininger                                              The Ohio & Michigan Paper Co.

               Josh Adams                                                     Ohioans Home Healthcare

               John Harris                                                     Harris HealthTrends and Performance pH


2016       Gary Resnick                                                  Lasalle Cleaners, Inc.

               Jerry Brown                                                    Madison Avenue Marketing Group

               Dr. Ameer Kabour                                          Toledo Cardiology Consultants

               Bill Fall                                                           The William Fall Group

               Kevin X. Smith                                               Associated General Contractors Northwest Ohio


2015       Dan Ridi                                                         S & G

               Richard Bertz                                                  The Mannik Smith Group

               C. Michael Smith                                            The Mannik Smith Group

               Matt Yarder                                                     The Yarder Manufacturing Company

               Richard Yarder                                                 The Yarder Manufacturing Company

               Jeff Conlan                                                       The Yarder Manufacturing Company

               Sharon Speyer                                                   Huntington Bank

               Judy Turner                                                      Turner Electric

               Don Turner                                                      Turner Electric


2014       Steve Hanson                                                    Hanson Inc.

               Mo Dari                                                           The Oasis Restaurant & Delivery

               Ed Engle, Jr.                                                     Rima Manufacturing

               Edward (Jed) Engle III                                     Rima Manufacturing

               Laura Engle Tomasello                                     Rima Manufacturing


2013       Ed Beczynski                                                    The Blarney Irish Pub and Focaccia's Deli

               Lynn Fruth                                                       The Danberry Co., Realtors

               Dick Baker                                                       The Danberry Co., Realtors

               Robert Shick                                                     Meyer Hill Lynch

               Eugene Meisler                                                 Toft Dairy

               Randy Boudouris                                              MAGNET Notes, Ltd.

               Frederic Wolfe                                                  HCR Manorcare, HealthCare REIT, 


2012       Jameel Burkett                                                  Burkett Restaurant Equipment

               Lenny Clouse                                                   Clouse Construction

               Judd Silverman                                                 Jamie Farr Toledo Classic

               Lyndsey Lucas                                                  Mel Lanzer Company

               Matthew Lanzer                                               Mel Lanzer Company

               Char Zgela                                                       Mel Lanzer Company

               Mike Messmer                                                  NovaVision

               Gary Frye                                                          Riker Products

               Charles Tomita                                                  Solar Spectrum, LLC


2011       Scott Parry                                                         Bay Controls

               Thomas A. Reed                                                Bay Controls

               Mike Fischer                                                      Fischer Tool & Die Corp

               Joe Metzger                                                       Metzgers Printing + Mailing

               Tom Metzger                                                    Metzgers Printing + Mailing

               John J. Gorski                                                   NAMSA

              Miguel Alvarez                                                   North Star BlueScope Steel

              Martha Vetter                                                     R/P Marketing Public Relations

              Phil Cox                                                             TechTol Imaging

              Zachary Ward                                                     TechTol Imaging

              Dan Frick                                                            Ernst & Young LLP


2010      Tim Paradiso                                                       BDS Agency Management

              Ben Bauman                                                        Bolt Express

              Mick Janness                                                        Branam Oral Health Technologies, Inc.

              Dr. Stephen Branam                                             Branam Oral Health Technologies, Inc.

              Matt Aston                                                           Ground Penetrating Radar Systems, Inc.

              David Woodward                                                 North Design

              Wm. F. (Bill) Reineke, Sr.                                    Reineke Family Dealerships

              Wm. F. (Bill) Reineke, Jr.                                    Reineke Family Dealerships

              Daniel Reineke                                                     Reineke Family Dealerships

              Thomas Reineke                                                  Reineke Family Dealerships

              Kerry Mitchell                                                     Reineke Family Dealerships

              Kermit Stroh                                                       Moulton Gas Service, Inc.


2009      Bob Armbruster                                                 Clean Team, Inc.

              Tim Goligoski                                                    Kuhlman Corporation

              Ken Kuhlman                                                    Kuhlman Corporation

              Fred Zoeller                                                       Laminate Technologies Inc.

              Bob MacQueen                                                 MacQueen Orchards

              Roger Curtis                                                      Michigan International Speedway

              Mary Anderson                                                  Radco Industries

              Rick Anderson                                                   Radco Industries

              Brian D. Roth                                                   TRUFAST, LLC

              Debbe Skutch                                                    UT Center for Family and Privately-Held Business

2008     Brad Burns                                                         Cutting Edge Countertops

              Brian Burns                                                       Cutting Edge Countertops

              Jeff Erickson                                                      Cutting Edge Countertops

              Bruce Rumpf                                                     Job1USA

              Tom Manahan Jr.                                             Lathrop

              Mike Herbert                                                   P.T. Services Rehabilitation, Inc.

              Larry Adelsperger                                             P.T. Services Rehabilitation, Inc.

              Tom Pounds                                                    Toledo Free Press

              Kathryn Chlebowski                                         U.S. Utility Contractor Co., Inc.

              Stanley Chlebowski                                           U.S. Utility Contractor Co., Inc.

              Mike Uckele                                                     Uckele Health & Nutrition Corporation

              Bud Willson                                                     Willson Builders

              Xunming Deng, PhD.                                      Xunlight Corporation

              Liwei Xu, PhD.                                                Xunlight Corporation

              John Harbal                                                     Impact Products LLC

2007     Harley Cramer                                                  U.S. Coexcell, Inc.

             Bob Huebner                                                    U.S. Coexcell, Inc.

              Dr. Robert Esplin                                             Sylvania Veterinary Hospital

              George "Chip" Hambro                                   First Solar

             Brian Reis                                                         Ballreich Bros., Inc.

              Fred Spurck                                                     Webster Industries

              Shain Buerck                                                    Scrambler Marie's Restaurants

              David Waterman                                              Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP

              General Motors Powertrain


2006      Mike Anderson                                                The Andersons, Inc.

              Kim Davis                                                        Talent Track

              Mark Feldstein                                                 Mark Feldstein & Associates

              James Kenyon                                                   O.K. Industries

              Lynne Gould                                                     Crikey's Original Australian Pies

              Purri Gould                                                       Crikey's Original Australian Pies

              Malcolm Richards                                              Supplemental Staffing

              Larry Davenport                                                 Ernst & Young LLP

              Daimler Chrysler Supplier Park


2005      Willie Geiser                                                      Allshred Services

              Michael Hart                                                      Hart

              Patrick Hylant                                                    The Hylant Group


2004      William Bernard                                                  Surface Combustion, Inc.

              Ronald Ernsberger                                              20/20 Custom Molded Plastics, Ltd.

              Glenn Grady                                                       Cimmaron Express, Inc.

              Dr. Clinton O. Longenecker                               The University of Toledo

              Gene Poor                                                            LifeFormations

              George Rumman                                                  Kingston Healthcare Company

              George Satornino                                                  Sierra Lobo, Inc.

              Michael Smith                                                       Custom Shop Clothiers

             David Thorson                                                       SealMaster Industries


2003     James Aston                                                           Ohio Concrete Sawing & Drilling, Inc.

             Roger Benz                                                             Seneca Medical, Inc.

             Thomas Cousino                                                    Front Street Ventures

             Thomas Kiser                                                          Professional Supply, Inc.

             Joseph Kunkle                                                          SSOE, Inc.

             Michael McAlear                                                      Service Spring Corp.

             Billy Joe Smith                                                         Ebony Construction Company


2002     Martin Cass                                                              Fremont Plastic Molds

             Michael Gibbons                                                      Main Street Ventures

             James Huttner                                                          Bionix Development Corp.

             Joshua McClellan                                                     McClellan Health Systems

             Andrew Milligan                                                       Bionix Development Corp.

             Dennis Serras                                                            Main Street Ventures


2001     James Bard                                                                 Bard Manufacturing Company

             Richard Bard                                                              Bard Manufacturing Company

             Dean Blaser                                                                Potter, Inc.

             Willard Heddles                                                         Tiffin Metal Products

             Howard Ice                                                                 Acklin Stamping Company

             James McNerney                                                        eSync International

             John Sidell                                                                  eSync International

             Dean Spangler                                                             Spangler Candy Company

             David Wallace                                                             Benchmark Engineering Group, Inc.

             Eugene Welka                                                              Frozen Specialties


2000     Employee Owners                                                         The Bostwick-Braun Company

             Tahir Cheema                                                               Grand Aire, Inc.

             Thomas Kern                                                                 Poly-Foam International, Inc.

             Edward Nofziger                                                            Nofziger Door Sales, Inc.

             Stansley Family                                                               Stansley Group of Companies

             David Von Deylen                                                          Alex Products, Inc.


1999     James Appold                                                                  Consolidated Biscuit Company

             Gary Gratop                                                                    Pinnacle Plastic Products

             Arthur Hagen                                                                  Pinnacle Plastic Products

             Robert Moyer                                                                  Mosser Construction, Inc.

             Tim Stansfield                                                                  IET, Inc.

             Kevin Tearney                                                                  Pinnacle Plastic Products


1998     Paul Aley                                                                          National Machinery Company

             Richard Kinzel                                                                  Cedar Fair, L.P.

             Richard Marcus                                                                 FRC International, Inc.

             William Martin                                                                 Kahn & Diehl Centers for Progressive Eye Care

             Dale Seymour                                                                    Seymour & Associates/Mass Mutual

             Brian Zifkin                                                                       BZ Design, Inc.


1997     Michael Czerniak                                                                Metal Forming & Coining Corporation

             Steven Essig                                                                         American Interiors, Inc.

             James Haudan                                                                      Root Learning, Inc.

             Gerald Monnin                                                                     Northwest Controls, Inc.

             Randall Root                                                                         Root Learning, Inc.


1996     Julian Gravino                                                                        EISC, Inc.

             Jerry Guerra                                                                            LEWCO, Inc.

             Anthony Guerra                                                                      LEWCO, Inc.

             Ron Guerra                                                                             LEWCO, Inc.

             Donald Harbaugh                                                                   Toledo Molding & Die, Inc.

             Michael Osterman                                                                   Osterman API, Inc.

             Thomas Shirk                                                                          Hoosier Magnetics, Inc.


1995     Paul Black                                                                                 P.E. Black Corporation

             Stephen Bores                                                                            Therma-Tru Corp

             Albert Caperna                                                                           Century Marketing Corporation

             James Poure                                                                                General Alum & Chemical Corporation

             Robert Sullivan                                                                           Capital Bank, N.A.

             John Szuch                                                                                  Capital Bank, N.A.

             David Welles                                                                               Therma-Tru Corp

             David Welles, Jr.                                                                          Therma-Tru Corp


1994     Kim Beck                                                                                      Automatic Feed Company

             Peter Beck                                                                                     Automatic Feed Company

             Ford Cauffiel                                                                                 Cauffiel Industries, Inc.

             Ronald Clausing                                                                            I&K Distributors, Inc.

             Paul Kramer                                                                                   Kramer Enterprises, Inc.

             Paul Ormond                                                                                 Health Care & Retirement

             David Schmitz                                                                               S & R Equipment Co., Inc.

             Clyde Sluhan                                                                                 Master Chemical Corporation


1993     Joan Bayer                                                                                       Concept Rehab Inc.

             Al Mackey                                                                                        Air-Ride, Inc.

             Donald Monroe                                                                               River East Economic Revitalization Corp

             David Pienta                                                                                    Automatic Handling, Inc.

             Sutas Pipatjarasgit                                                                            Magic Wok, Inc.

             John Rathbun                                                                                   Venture Packaging, Inc.

             Paul Reichert                                                                                    Reichert Stamping Company

             Robert Reichert                                                                                Reichert Stamping Company

             Robert "Cam" Smith                                                                        Doral Steel, Inc.


1992     William Christophers                                                                        AVCA Corporation

             Employee Owners                                                                             Textileather Corp.

             Richard Everhardt                                                                             Penta County Schools

             George Isaac                                                                                      Isaac Corporation

             Richard Ransom                                                                                Ransom Consulting

             Maynard Sauder                                                                                 Sauder Woodworking Co.

             Yuval Zaliouk                                                                                     YZ Enterprises, Inc.


1991     Richard Bostleman                                                                             Bostleman Corp.

             Arthur Doust                                                                                      Chemi-Trol Chemical Co.

             Pasquale Giammarco                                                                           Marco's, Inc.

             Jesus Gonzalez                                                                                     La Fronteriza, Inc.

             James Kulla                                                                                          BEC Labs, Inc.

             Donald Miller                                                                                      Roppe Corporation

             Lois Mitten                                                                                          Children's Discovery Center, Inc.

             Edward Reiter                                                                                       Sky Financial Group, Inc.

             John Savage                                                                                           Savage & Associates

             Robert Savage                                                                                        Savage & Associates

             Norman Tremonti                                                                                 NTA Graphics, Inc.


1990     Levi Cook                                                                                               Advantage Enterprises, Inc.

             James Findlay                                                                                          Impact Products LLC

             Mary Lou Fox                                                                                         Westhaven Services Company

             Arthur Hills                                                                                             Arthur Hills & Associates

             George Howick                                                                                        Bowling Green State University

             Wallace Iott                                                                                             Seaway Food Town, Inc.


1989      Thomas Brady                                                                                         Plastic Technologies

              Robert Hinkle                                                                                          Hinkle Technologies, Inc

              Richard Howard                                                                                      Richard Howard, Inc.

              Joseph Links                                                                                             Software Alternative Inc.

              Paul Rothschild                                                                                        Fremont Plastic Products

              Frederick Rudolph                                                                                    Rudolph/Libbe Companies, Inc.

              Peter Silverman                                                                                         Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick LP